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Although autumn has begun, lotus leaves are still growing well. Next to the office, the lotus leaves on the lake grew ashore, and the lotus leaves with dew were taken off to make ribs. When I used scissors to cut the lotus leaf wrapped in ribs, I felt a little nervous. I didn't know whether it was good or not. I cut a piece: Xiaoshuai eats one, and in a moment he eats half of it. Xiaoshuai commented: It's delicious, but the scent of lotus leaves is not obvious. I also ate a piece, fresh and tender! Answer Xiaoshuai: Don't underestimate the fragrance of lotus leaves. I didn't boil the pork ribs with water first, nor did I use cooking wine. Lotus leaves use their own fragrance to remove the smell of meat, so that ribs become so fragrant.
Lotus Leaf: Do not deliberately express yourself, be yourself. People who know you love you more.


肋排 150克
荷叶 1张
生姜 3片
香葱 1根
色拉油 1勺
生粉 30克
棉线 适量


  1. 1、肋排洗净备用。

    荷香蒸排骨的做法步骤图,荷香蒸排骨怎么做好吃 第2张
  2. 2、加盐,油,生姜,葱腌25分钟左右。

    荷香蒸排骨的做法步骤图,荷香蒸排骨怎么做好吃 第3张
  3. 3、加生粉加入抓匀。

    荷香蒸排骨的做法步骤图,荷香蒸排骨怎么做好吃 第4张
  4. 4、将荷叶冲洗干净。

    荷香蒸排骨的做法步骤图,荷香蒸排骨怎么做好吃 第5张
  5. 5、将荷叶剪成小张,把排骨包好。

    荷香蒸排骨的做法步骤图,荷香蒸排骨怎么做好吃 第6张
  6. 6、用棉线扎紧。

    荷香蒸排骨的做法步骤图,荷香蒸排骨怎么做好吃 第7张
  7. 7、包了一盘。

    荷香蒸排骨的做法步骤图,荷香蒸排骨怎么做好吃 第8张
  8. 8、上锅大火将排骨隔水蒸25分钟,开吃,小排鲜嫩上头,淡淡的荷叶香让人爱。

    荷香蒸排骨的做法步骤图,荷香蒸排骨怎么做好吃 第9张

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