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不太肥的汉堡君|The slimming(kinda)burger

来源:菜肴屋 阅读:8.58K 次
不太肥的汉堡君|The slimming(kinda)burger的做法步骤图

OK, so calling this a slimming burger might be a bit of a white lie BUT (there is always a but) with no cooking oils,  all fresh ingredients, and plenty of greens and protein, this can be a perfect semi-cheat meal for all you bodybuilders.


牛肉馅Minced beef 500g
汉堡面包Burger bun 2个
牛油果Avocado 1个
鸡蛋Egg 1个
洋葱Onion 1个
酸黄瓜Pickled cucumber 1根
芝士片Cheese 2片
黑胡椒Black pepper 1茶勺
盐Salt 2茶勺
烟熏甜椒粉Smoked Paprika 2茶勺

不太肥的汉堡君|The slimming(kinda)burger的做法  

  1. 准备一个大碗,加入500g牛肉馅,1个鸡蛋,1茶勺黑胡椒粉,2茶勺盐,2茶勺烟熏甜椒粉,混合均匀Set a big bowl,add 500g minced beef,1 large egg,1 teaspoon black pepper,2 teaspoons paprika,well mix and set aside.

    不太肥的汉堡君|The slimming(kinda)burger的做法步骤图 第2张
  2. 洋葱切细丝,备用Cut 1 onion into slice,set aside.

  3. 取一半肉馅(我的汉堡面包比较大,所以需要大约250g的肉馅做肉饼,厚厚的肉饼更多汁,更美味哦)先团城球,再做成小火山的形状(这个形状可以减少肉饼在煎制时肉汁流失)Take half of the minced meat (my burgers are usually quite meaty, so I use about 250g of meat) first role the meat into a ball, and then mould a little volcano (this shape can be used to capture the juices that come off the meat)

    不太肥的汉堡君|The slimming(kinda)burger的做法步骤图 第3张
  4. 煎锅中火烧热,转小火,放入肉饼,洋葱丝,盖上锅盖A面(火山底部)煎制3分钟,翻B面(火山顶),此时洋葱放肉饼旁边随便炒炒 肉饼上放一片低脂芝士片,盖上盖子煎制3分钟Preheat a pan with medium heat(do not add oil),turn the heat down to low and put the meat in(bottom of volcano) ,add sliced onions,cook the meat for 3 minutes with the lid on the pan. After 3 minutes,switch the meat to the other side(top of volcano) , put a slice of cheese on top and cook for 3 minutes.

    不太肥的汉堡君|The slimming(kinda)burger的做法步骤图 第4张
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    不太肥的汉堡君|The slimming(kinda)burger的做法步骤图 第5张
  6. 汉堡面包对半切开,内朝下放入煎锅加热,此时可以切些牛油果和酸黄瓜Chop the bun into two slices and cook it on the frying pan. at the same time slice the avocado and pickles for burger toppings

    不太肥的汉堡君|The slimming(kinda)burger的做法步骤图 第6张
  7. 待面包内侧焦黄关火Once the bun tuen golden brown,turn off the heat.

  8. 所有食材组合成汉堡就ok啦 | Place everything together then it's done.

    不太肥的汉堡君|The slimming(kinda)burger的做法步骤图 第7张
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    不太肥的汉堡君|The slimming(kinda)burger的做法步骤图 第8张




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