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蜂蜜猪肉炖菜 Honeyed Pork Stew

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蜂蜜猪肉炖菜 Honeyed Pork Stew的做法步骤图

前文提到我无意中发现我买到一本Gordon Ramsay比较早期的食谱。除了兰开夏火锅,还有一道菜我大概半个月做了两次。跟东北铁锅炖有异曲同工之妙,适合冬季的食谱今天终于来了。因为有的食材不好购买,食谱有少许删减和改动。

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去骨五花肉 boneless pork belly 1-1.2kg
盐和胡椒 salt and pepper
橄榄油 olive oil
苹果汁 apple juice 150mL
苏打水 soda water 330mL
鸡汤 chicken stock 600mL
洋葱 onion 1
丁香 cloves 8
番茄膏 tomato puree 1 餐匙tbsp
蜂蜜 honey 4-5 餐匙tbsp
伍斯特酱油 Worcestershire Sauce 2 餐匙tbsp
香叶,百里香,欧芹 Bay leaf, thyme and parsley
京葱 leeks 2根
芹菜 celery 1根
胡萝卜 carrots 3根

蜂蜜猪肉炖菜 Honeyed Pork Stew的做法  

  1. 将五花肉切块后用盐和胡椒调味。炖锅烧油后将五花肉分次煸炒至表皮金黄。所有五花肉炒好后一并入锅,加入苹果汁,苏打水和鸡汤。大火烧开后去浮沫,然后将丁香插在去皮后的洋葱上之后将洋葱放入锅中,同时加入番茄膏,蜂蜜,伍斯特酱油和香料。Cut the meat into bite-sized and season with salt and pepper. Heat the olive oil in a flameproof casserole and brown the pork in batches. Once all meat is cooked, return all back to hte casserole then add the apple juice, soda water and chicken stock. Bring to a simmer and skim off the scum. Add the onion studded with the cloves, then tomato puree, honey, Worcestershire sauce and the herbs.

  2. 炖锅半盖盖子小火慢炖2至2.5小时,于此同时将芹菜和京葱切片,胡萝卜切圆片。肉炖好后去除浮沫加蔬菜后拌匀,继续炖20至30分钟后调味出锅。Partially cover the pan with a lid and simmer slowly for 2 to 2.5 hours. Thinly slice the leeks and celery, and slice the carrots into rounds. Skin off the fat from the surface, then add the vegetables with some seasoning. Simmer for another 20 to 30 minutes until the vegetables are just tender. Check the seasoning before serving.


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