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制作超简单的桑椹果酱Mulberry Jam

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制作超简单的桑椹果酱Mulberry Jam的做法步骤图

       Recently, we all started online classes, my teacher asked us to make jams at home, the following is the result of my attempt. I made mulberry jam sweet and sour delicious, easy to make, you can try at home.


桑葚mulberries 350克350g
柠檬lemon 半个a half
白糖sugar 两勺 2 spoons

制作超简单的桑椹果酱Mulberry Jam的做法  

  1. 将桑椹去蒂洗净。
    Remove the stems from the mulberries and wash them.

    制作超简单的桑椹果酱Mulberry Jam的做法步骤图 第2张
  2. 将桑葚用搅拌机搅碎。
    Break up the mulberries in a blender.

    制作超简单的桑椹果酱Mulberry Jam的做法步骤图 第3张
  3. 将搅碎的桑葚汁放到锅里加热,并不断搅拌,防止糊锅。
    Heat the mulberry juice in a wok and keep stirring to prevent it from sticking.

    制作超简单的桑椹果酱Mulberry Jam的做法步骤图 第4张
  4. 加入两勺白糖。
    Put into two spoons of sugar.

    制作超简单的桑椹果酱Mulberry Jam的做法步骤图 第5张
  5. 再挤入柠檬汁,之后继续加热使少部分水分发,直到果酱不会顺利滴落。
    And then squeeze in the juice of half a lemon. After that,continue to heat until a small amount of water evaporates until the jam does not drip in quickly.

    制作超简单的桑椹果酱Mulberry Jam的做法步骤图 第6张
  6. 最后将熬好的果酱放入瓶中,酸甜可口的桑葚果酱就做好咯!!
    Finally put the jam boiled into bottle , sour and sweet delicious mulberry jam is ready.

    制作超简单的桑椹果酱Mulberry Jam的做法步骤图 第7张


Mulberries can be displaced by other berries.
Keep stirring to prevent it from sticking.
3.参考Referred to《104|蓝带|果酱|腌渍Blue Ribbon Channing》47页。


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